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Articles on popular coaching topics plus an insight into my coaching and empowerment philosophy.
I'd love to hear your feedback, comments, and ideas for future articles

Linda Ferrari
Apr 26, 20212 min read
Reflecting on your future
Reflection time is not just important - it's VITAL.
It gives us the opportunity to acknowledge our challenges, difficulties - and success.

Linda Ferrari
Feb 22, 20213 min read
Feminine Leadership, the new model for successful leaders
This is a new model of leadership that allows for a woman to be in her full power and in flow with her natural rhythm ...

Linda Ferrari
Jan 25, 20213 min read
I am worth spending money on
The ‘I am worth spending money on’ mantra was the result of taking in a whole lot of learning and a wonderful self-coaching worksheet

Linda Ferrari
Oct 31, 20202 min read
Awaken the power of your feminine archetypes
Exploring our archetypes empowers us to achieve our big beautiful goals, overcome life's challenges

Linda Ferrari
Oct 26, 20201 min read
10 Tenets of Feminine Leadership
Leading with feminine energy ensures businesses profit beyond the dollar, beyond the magical ‘triple bottom line’ of people, profit & planet

Linda Ferrari
Sep 9, 20205 min read
Limited by your beliefs?
These hidden limiting beliefs hold me back from achieving that next level, that big goal. The unconscious path of negative self belief ...

Linda Ferrari
Aug 31, 20203 min read
Holding Space for Me
Holding space allows for healing and growth. I share the top 8 benefits of holding space for myself.

Linda Ferrari
Jun 22, 20203 min read
Manifesting your dreams
What Is Manifesting?
Manifesting is cultivating the experience of what you want to feel so that you can allow it to come into form.

Linda Ferrari
Jun 8, 20205 min read
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Kids see the magic and the wonderful adventure of life. Our Inner Child is still in their waiting for you, do you want to come out to play?

Linda Ferrari
Jun 7, 20202 min read
What is a MAGNIFICENT Woman?
A Magnificent Woman chooses to live in her natural beauty and feminine power so she can ...

Linda Ferrari
Jun 4, 20206 min read
What's Your Purpose?
Purpose guides our choices, influences behaviours, provides direction & gives meaning to life.
Or 'hot sauce' of life according to my son.

Linda Ferrari
Jun 4, 20203 min read
Feminine Leadership
In a leadership role & want to bring more feminine energy to it? This new leadership model allows for a woman to be in her full power & flow

Linda Ferrari
May 9, 20202 min read
What does it mean to be an empowered woman?
You don’t have to wait around hoping someone will give you power, it is an internal state, not a gift granted to us

Linda Ferrari
May 7, 202010 min read
14 Ways to Reconnect to Your Wild Woman: The Antidote to Hustling
The power of running with the wolves and the wild woman by Anna Rova
This is a copy of Anna's original post

Linda Ferrari
May 2, 202012 min read
15 ideas to make the most of isolation time
If we're going to be stuck at home, we may as well make the most of it.
Here Are 15 things you can do at home while physically isolated:

Linda Ferrari
May 1, 20202 min read
Full bloom in May - a month of living my femininity
For May I want to step it up a notch and focus living my femininity. My intention is to live 3 areas of focus each day, and post my outcomes

Linda Ferrari
Apr 2, 20203 min read
Feminine energy - what is it?
Feminine energy is that that subtle, soft, yet resonant truth that is carried in the body, once the mind stops its chatter.

Linda Ferrari
Apr 2, 20205 min read
Balancing our feminine and masculine energy for a fulfilled life
In order to live a fulfilled life we need both energies in balance.
But how?

Linda Ferrari
Apr 2, 20203 min read
Feminine or Masculine energy - is that the only option?
The traditional view of masculine & feminine energy is simplistic. If you are a man, you are masculine, if you are a woman you are feminine.

Linda Ferrari
Mar 23, 20204 min read
5 steps to make your wishes come true
Do you ever wonder how you can make your wishes come true?The steps aren't secrets; but, they can be hard and take real effort
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