Are you in a leadership role and want to bring more feminine energy to your role?
Want to be an example to the woman in your team, but not sure how?
My career in Learning & Development had a strong focus on leadership, but as I am stepping more and more into my feminine power I realise the leadership style I knew was designed for the masculine energy, and for a different time and business landscape, and I am inspired on a daily basis by women who are working with their energy and running successful businesses with more of a feminine approach.
This is a new model of leadership that allows for a woman to be in her full power and in flow with her natural rhythm, however without a lot of role models there is potential for burnout, frustration and exhaustion if adopting this approach is not untaken in a sustainable way.
The key to successful feminine leadership is integration.
Feminine leaders are not overly feminine or overly masculine - they have found the healthy balance between the two that helps them gain results without sacrificing themselves.
Here are 13 traits of successful feminine leaders:
Embodies Passionate Purpose and Clear Vision - she knows what she wants and how to get it
Exudes Glowing Beauty - she lights up the room with her unstoppable confidence
Takes Pleasurable Action - she will focus on what she is good at and brings out her glow that elevates everyone, and outsources the things she’s not good at
Practices Exquisite Self-Care - she fills her self love cup first so she can serve and elevate others .
Every Breakdown as an Opportunity to Break Through - she sees all obstacles and breakdowns as opportunities. She does not believe in failure, nor does she believe in giving up, those breakdowns give her what she needs to get to the next level
Serves with Generosity - her leadership is based on being of service, she seeks to listen and understands, she is generous with her resources (Universal Law of Giving and Receiving)
Practices Meditation - she is committed to keeping her mind and body clear and knows that silence and stillness are key to optimal health
Balances Flow with Action - she is constantly working on is finding feminine flow balanced with masculine action. She finds that sweet spot where everything flows like magic by listening to and being in her body
Values the Planet, Profits and People in Business - she choose sustainable actions in her life, knowing that these have a far greater ripple effect than what meets the eye
Surrounds Herself with Other Feminine Leaders in Circle - she embraces sisterhood and surrounds herself with other women who are on a similar path, she allows herself to surrender and let go in a circle of women so that she can recharge, refuel and reclaim her power
Turns Pain into Power - she sees that her pain is actually her greatest strength, and uses her stories of pain to connect with and inspire others to heal, grow and transform.
Leads with Authenticity and Vulnerability - she does not feel the need to hide her flaws, her messiness or her feelings, she’s perfectly imperfect and has no problem letting others know that because ultimately, she knows that she then gives others permission to be their true selves as well
Attracts Wealth and Abundance - she opens herself to receive more wealth in the form of resources, opportunities and connections to fulfill her mission
Did you connect immediately with any of the points?
Or did you read them and get that ‘oh right, so that’s what I need to do” moment?
Maybe you had a ‘that’s all bulls$*t’ response?
I’m keen to hear your thoughts, maybe how you already embody them in your leadership role, or what action you are going to take to implement a couple of these concepts into your role.
Let me know,
Linda x
