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The Story

Luxurious, oversized, ready to be loved, hand knits, made by me just for you, hand crafted in my home using Australian merino wool, knitted on my hand shaped enormous needles.


The knitting skills are entirely my mothers’ doing, my obsession with natural local textiles stems from a school excursion, the need for massive big stitches is all mine developed over time and fed by a variety of extreme knitting artists.


Each piece takes time and is influenced by the gifts Mother Nature imposed on the raw materials. Your choices enhance these delightful differences making for an entirely unique piece of work made just for you. These variances are the calling card of a personal and individual hand crafted work which is precisely why you are choosing to buy from The Flying Lamb, not a commercial store.


Head over to our Blog to find out more about us, our range and general woolly goodness

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